Tuesday, March 16, 2010

chapter 1 Jerk

Jennys POV
As the taxi drove towards the school building, my heart thumped and I slowly became uneasy. The entrance introduced the prestigious school as Zenpa Music High School. The excitement I felt could never top the feelings that I had now. The idea that students are only accepted into this school through pure talent, made this school so special. Not even the wisest yet wealthiest people were accepted into this high school. How could someone so misfortunate and simple get into such a school?
The extravagant structures of the building caught me off balance. I obviously didn't fit in with everyone else who attended this school, but the only thing that mattered to me most was that I get everything out of attending this school. I wanted to get all the formal education of music, I never received as a middle schooler. The dreams I've been dreaming since I was a child were a fingertip away from becoming true. This made my determination of becoming a singer increase. The only thing I wanted to do, was to make others feel happy with my music.
Suddenly, I felt something tugging at my sneakers and when I looked down, I realized that a piece of gum was glued to the bottom of my shoes. Trying to get rid of the gum, I pulled as the sticky substance snapped. My whole body came crashing down as I screeched, "OW!"
As my eyes fluttered open, I witnessed a guy trip over my legs and fall flat on his face. The facial expression he gave, made me burst out in laughter. As soon as he faced me, his eyebrows drew close together and his face turned a bright red. It was almost way too frightening to even look at him. The death glare he gave me, made me hiccup like a maniac.
I stared back into his eyes. Something in his eyes sparkled and he looked so different and unique. Something about him caught my interest, but I don't know. His long black bangs covered his perfect forehead as his beautiful hazel eyes looked into my eyes. He looked like one of those famous guy celebrities that girls drool over.
As my hiccupping continued, I realized my PDA was on the ground. Luckily, this school provided everyone the same PDA, which meant that I wouldn't have to purchase a cell phone. A sigh escaped my mouth as I reached for my PDA, this was a bad start. To my surprise, the PDA had no scratches on it what so ever. It was clean as new, almost too clean to be mine.
When I tried to turn my attention back to the guy, I realized that he wasn't there anymore. I thought, what an impudent jerk, not even apologizing or even trying to help me pick up my things! Just the thought of him made me cringe. I can't believe I thought he was cute! I absolutely disliked people that don't apologize or people that are very impolite and self centered. I never want to see him again!
James' POV
Today was by far the worst day of my life. Tripping over a short haired girl that looked so out of style, she looked too poor to even afford a cell phone and on top of that, my PDA looked like garbage. There were scratches everywhere and even fingerprints all over the screen, I'll replace it later.
As I entered my next class, everyone surrounded me, which consisted mostly of girls that I never even met. I shoved through the crowd of girls till I reached my desk. While sitting in my seat, I searched for my song notebook. This contained all the songs that I wrote since childhood. I never showed it to anyone except my band members.
"Looking for this?" I turned around to catch a glimpse of someone I hadn't met for 3 whole months, during vacation. "Hey Nathan, haven't seen you in ages!"
Nathan was in the same band as me and he was also one of my friends from elementary school. We were inseparable since the day we met. The first day of middle school and all the kids were picking on me for wearing glasses and having braces. No on stood up for me except a kid named, Nathan. It was quite amusing, seeing two nerdy kids standing up for each other.
As we grew up, we lost both our braces and glasses and became the most popular kids in school, but of course, there was our band, Dream. We formed this band as freshmans when we met Kevin and Josh.
With Kevin and Josh behind Nathan, they all walked towards me. All the girls gasped as we all reunited after break.
Jenny's POV
I cried out in frustration, as I passed through the many buildings. Everything seemed enormous and the numbers in my head were confusing. Nothing matched the numbers on my paper. Building #36 Room 568.
My class was about to begin and I still couldn't find my room. I broke out into tears as I wallowed in sadness from hearing the bell. Just as I was about to wipe my tears, I saw a pair of legs in front of me. I looked up and realized that a very handsome guy was standing before me. His smile was almost too perfect to be even human. His perfect blonde hair slightly covered his eyes as his blue eyes sparkled. His flawless lips curved into a smile as he asked, "Can I help you with something? What's wrong?!" I sniffed and wiped my tears, "I can't find my room." He chuckled, "There's no need to cry over that."
He let out a hand and helped me up off the ground.
"Nice to meet you, I'm micheal."
I grinned, "I'm Jenny! Nice to meet you!"
I sounded like a dork and a total freak when I talked to him. His almost too perfect figure made me feel like a misfortunate, fat ugly chick talking to a hottie.
"So what dorm number are you in?"
I blushed, "Room 568, building #36."
Before heading towards the building, he grabbed my bags.
"Uh... you don't have to.."
He interrupted, "It's alright. Just allow me to help. I don't want a pretty lady like yourself to get injured holding such heavy bags."
I thought my head was going to explode from thinking too much about what he said.
As we arrived to the correct room and building, he helped me put my luggage back into the room.
I whispered, "Thanks."
He gave me the million dollar smile, "No problem."
He walked away as I entered my room. I witnessed a girl giving me an intense stare.
"Uh... are you alright?" She ran up to me and hugged me and began screaming like a maniac. What have I gotten myself into now?
James' POV
The screen of my PDA had smudges all over and something was wrong with my calendar. All the information was wrong and everything was empty. However, my PDA was working perfectly fine. I constantly wiped the screen and I kept getting frustrated with the scratches that were permanently displayed on the screen.
A sigh escaped my mouth as I stared at the screen. Before I could shove it in my bag, a weird ringtone came from my PDA. I looked closely at the screen and it said 'Mom'. I quickly answered the phone.
"Hello? Is Jenny there?"
"Um... I'm sorry. I think you've got the wrong number."
"I'm sure this is her number... okay well,. sorry."
She hung up and I stared at the screen shocked and confused. Did I switch PDA's with that girl?
The PDA rang once more and that embarrassing ringtone played. "ANSWER THE PHONE! OR ELSE I'LL CUT OFF YOUR FINGERS!" That was the ringtone.
I answered the PDA once more.
"This is Jenny's number! Who the hell are you and what have you done with my daughter!!!!"
I felt my ears ring as she screamed into the phone. This woman was annoying me to death, so I hung up on her and turned the phone off. Now I know, it's her. I need to get my phone back from that stupid country girl!
Jenny's POV
"I'm Katie! Don't you remember?"
"Uh... doesn't ring a bell."
She sighed, "Jenny, it's Cakie. You'd always pronounce my name wrong and you'd always protect me from being bullied."
Just as she said that I remember who she was. In elementary school, I met a girl named Katie. The color red was significant in her closet, everything she wore was red. Strawberry and cherry dresses were consistently in her closet. The nostalgic tone of her voice sent a cacophony through my mind.
"OMG! you had like the squeakiest voice in elementary! I remember you!"
She seemed over excessively content, as she squeeled in excitement.
"JENNY! it's been like forever since I've seen you!"
"I know, but why are you here?"
She looked confused, "What?... What do you mean?"
"Uh... let me rephrase that.. what are you doing in this school, in other words, Why did you want to attend this particular school?"
A grin displayed on her face as she clasped her hands together.
"Well... I wanted to become a singer after I met you. I remembered when you told me you wanted to become a singer and it inspired me."
I blushed, "really?" The thought of being an inspiration made me feel embarrassed and happy.
"what about you?"
I put my hands together and excitedly blurted out, "I love singing! I've always wanted to become a singer and show the world my views through song. When I was very little, my dad taught me guitar and that's when I began creating songs. I couldn't stop and it felt so great to actually have someone listen to the song I created. The look on their faces, I can never forget. It's just so amazing and at the same time so hard for my dreams to come true, but I'm determined to fulfill this life long dream!"
As the end of my speech, I was breathless. Katie's eyes got wide when I finished.
"OH MY GOD! That is why I wanted to become a singer. You just inspired me all over again."
A smile escaped from my lips.
"really? Well that's me."
As our conversation came to an end. The bell rang and my heart sunk.
"Katie,... I'm late! I can't believe I skipped my first class!"
Her expression changed into a frown.
"OH MY GOD! me too!"
"What are we going to do?"
she giggled and put her hands on my shoulders.
"We're going to ditch."
I gasped in shock, "Are you serious?"
She nodded, "YUP!"
We arrived at a shopping mall and Katie was dumping clothing on me to wear. I had been constantly reminding her that I was extremely poor, but she kept denying this fact.
"Jenny, you have to wear this!"
She revealed a black and white blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. I sighed and looked down at my obsolete pair of clothing. I was wearing a long dress with flowers and my socks came up to my knees.
"Oh alright!"
In the end, she bought all the clothes for me and I felt so sorry, I had to apologize and thank her at lease a billion times before she actually bought me the clothes. When I examined myself in my new clothes, I looked actually updated and fashionable. I liked it. I was wearing the black and white blouse with skinny jeans that Katie gave me.
After hours of shopping, Katie took me to a shoe shop and bought me converse and vans. When I first wore them, they were really tight and uncomfortable and I hated them, but as I kept them on for a while, it felt better and I got used to it. I agreed on getting them, but the heels were too painful.
While I was walking in heels, I fell flat on my face, and of course Katie ended up laughing at me. She demanded me to wear them and we ended up buying them. I wasn't really into shopping, but if I wanted to become a famous singer, I had to be good with fashion.
After all the shopping, the clock ticked and time had already passed significantly. I stared down at my brand new watch and it revealed that it was already 5 pm and school had been already finished since 2 hours ago. Katie pulled my arm to a different direction from our dorms and I was frightened of more shopping.
"Where are we going?"
She didn't reply as she pulled me into a doorway with blinking lights.
She grinned, "You'll see."
I walked into the building and realized that this was a club, when I witnessed all the people dancing and drinking.
"I can't be at a club! I'm only 16!"
She yelled into the music, "No, this is a club especially made from Zenpa Music High School! Everyone performing on this stage is from our school and the drinks aren't alcohol, they're punch and soda."
In realization, my shock formed into excitement.
"That's so cool! I definitely love this school!"
We danced and danced till we were breathless. I noticed that my dance moves were out of style, so Katie tired to update me, but it didn't work. As I reached for a Pepsi, the stage lights turned off and I heard a guitar. The lights turned back on. My eyes reverted from the drink to the stage.
It was the guy that tripped over me this morning. My heart sank as his voice echoed into the microphone. In seconds, all the members joined in with their drums and bass guitars. I fell in love with the song and I couldn't stop humming to the melody.
I kept trying to deny that I wasn't in love with this song, and that I wasn't falling for the main vocalist.
I asked, "Who is that?"
Her facial expression turned to shock.
"You don't know DREAM?"
I shook my head, "NO!"
"OH MY GOD! The main vocalist/guitarist is named James and he's the most loved by fans and the bassist is Nathan. Kevin plays the drums and David is the back up guitarist. All 4 of them are known for their looks and their talent. I heard they already got a record deal and they're about to start their very first album."
I was shocked with all the information she had about the band and how much she admired them.
"James is the serious charismatic type and Nathan is the funny appealing guy. Kevin is a total player and my absolute favorite is Nathan so don't think of stealing him!"
I smirked, "Maybe I will."
She gasped in shock, "You better not!"
I patted her shoulders, "I'm kidding. I'd never do that! Don't you trust me?"
She frowned, "SURE!"
"okay. I promise."
"Oh alright, but what do you think of the band?"
That would've been okay if the music hadn't stopped. Everyone around me stared at us in shock and anger.
"I can't believe you just said that!"
Right at that moment, I knew my future was going to be cloudy and dark. The fans around me looked furious and angry.
end of chapter 1 >>>>>>> please continue to chapter 2
chapter 2 Broken

I felt the glares burn into my back as I anxiously tried to avoid the fans. They slowly began to approach me while I kept stumbling backwards, trying to keep my balance.
"Well well... what have we got here? An antifan?"
I frantically shook my head, "No... that's not what I meant!"
Katie butted into the conversation, "Actually, Jenny here loves DREAM, right?"
I quickly stuttered, "y...yeah."
"Hmm... then who were you refering to when you said 'They SUCK?'"
Katie stared at me, begging me to find the correct answer.
I responded, "That was to... uh... to my parents. Ugh... they suck. They always call my cell phone and nag about school. Right?! Katie?"
She stuttered, "Y..yeah."
Luckily, everyone fell for it and they continued to do what they were doing.
I whispered, "Sheesh... these fans are crazy!"
"I know, right?"
"Do you have lives? They seem like crazy people trying to stalk every member of Dream and they're so crazy they'd kill any anti fan!"
She laughed, "Maybe they're just crazy because no other guy is cute at our school except the members of Dream."
"that sucks! I was looking foreward to falling in love at this school. I guess I have no luck!"
Katie shrugged while drinking a sip of her punch, "I actually don't know. Maybe there's cute guys I haven't met yet."
I frowned, "but if there isn't, I'm out of luck because I think the leader of Dream looks way too ugly and on top of that he's rude!"
She coughed while choking on her drink, "Jenny! Are you out of your mind?! You simply do not have taste if you think James is ugly. James is like the most famous idol that even guys drool over. No one can top that."
I shrugged, "Well, you know me. I'm not like other girls. What do you expect from a country girl like me?"
I gulped down the rest of my drink as Katie continued to explain the causes of not liking James.
"One huge rule at this school is that, you can not despise James or go out with him. Despising leads to being a loner and going out with him leads to being bullied by fans."
What was wrong with these people? I can't hate him or like him? Then what am I supposed to do?
"Okay. Okay. Fine, I don't care about him anyways."
Afterwards, Katie and me decided to leave to a restaurant. I was starving and my stomach was growling louder than a siren of an ambulance truck. As we entered an Italian restaurant, a waiter standing at the door instructed us towards a small room that had fancy paintings all over the wall. The seats were designed with flowers and amazing water falls. My eyes grew wider as my eyes remained at the water fountain next to the flowers that were placed right next to the wall.
While sitting down on the seat, my mouth dropped open when I saw the silverware. Pure gold and perfect for a dining room inside a painting.
I searched through the menu, trying to find something good. The waiter came seconds later asking, "What would you like?"
I grinned, "I would like a fetaccini alfredo!"
He scribbled down a whole bunch of words and put his attention to Katie.
Katie replied, "I would like the same as hers."
"Anything else?" We replied in harmony, "Nope."
The waiter took our menus and left the room. As I played with my fork, Katie questioned, "So what school did you go to before coming to high school?"
I was not thrilled about my middle school experience. My nickname used to be the tazmanian devil because I was extremely good at running and I was really obnoxious. People didn't realize my musical talent and assumed that I was only athletic. People would keep suggesting that I go out for the Olympics, but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to become a singer. My guitar wasn't' the newest or the hottest, but it's the talent that counts, right?
"I went to Jinshi Middle School. I absolutely hated it." I tried to avoid being questioned about my past by changing the subject. "Do you like anyone?"
She blushed, "You know... Nathan."
I muttered, "I should've known."
"Well, I've always liked him. He's so kind and he never flirts with girls. He's so different. I love him."
I sighed, "I didn't mean that. I meant as in an actual guy, not a celebrity."
She shook her head in denial, "NO, he's not a celebrity. He's definitly a regular guy that attends my school!"
Oh dear... what has gotten into her? Hope she doesn't fall too hard for him. I bet he'll hurt her, because that's what celebrities do to people, hurt them. They lie to you and tell you that they love you, but they don't even know you. I guess that's what I thought...
James' POV
While stepping off the stage, I heard a rampage occur in the middle of the dance floor. Maybe another one of my fans offended the others. Oh well, I don't care anyways. Nathan high fived me as we celebrated another great performance.
Right before I took a sip of my soda, David came up to me and handed me a PDA.
"Someone keeps calling your phone."
I glared down at the device as frustration crept up my mind. In large letters it said, 'MOM'
I quickly dialed my number into the unknown device. Whoever has my phone is definitly going to get it! I'm pissed. I'm sick of her mother calling me and not being able to get my schedule. I've been missing out on some of my appointments because of my mysterious PDA disappearance.
The phone rang quietly into my ears as it rang a couple of times. Before I knew it, I heard a soft voice, "Hello?"
Jenny's POV
While scarfing down the food in front of me, Katie giggled, "Slow down! It's not like anyone's going to steal your food!"
I mumbled while having my mouth full, "... wmmell *crunch *crunch... I.. *crunch can't help it *swallow I love food!"
Katie almost fell off her seat when she witnessed my attempt at trying to speak while eating.
"Oh my god! This reminds me of back in the day when we used to eat like this and you'd eat like a maniac. My mom would call you Miss Piggy."
I burst on in laughter, "Yeah! She'd squeeze my cheeks and ask if I wanted more food. Your mom used to adore me so much!"
"Yeah great times!"
"We should...."
I was interrupted when a strange ringtone came from my PDA. It was way too plain. *RING RING RING RING*
"Is this the girl I ran into?"
My right eyebrow rose up in question, "Who's this?"
He sighed into the phone, "James, the guy you bumped into this morning."
I sat there dumbfounded.
"Hello? Are you there?"
I realized it was that jerk who bumped into me and didn't even apologize.
I replied, "Yeah. What do you want? I don't have time for this."
I felt the tension between us even through the phone.
He angrily shouted, "You don't have time? Your the one who stole my phone! You left me with your crappy PDA on purpose you DUMB COUNTRY GIRL!"
Now he was making me furious.
"Who the hell do you think you are?! I didn't take your STUPID phone! GET the facts straight!" I grunted and hung up on him.
My assumption was totallly correct, he was a complete jerk. I hope he never gets his phone back!
Katie stared at me as if I just killed something. "What was that?"
I shrugged, "Just some crazy psycho that thinks I stole his phone."
Right after I said that, I remembered I did bump into someone and I did pick up a PDA that seemed oddly too clean.
I frantically dug in my bag for my PDA. The screen was once again, clean as new. I looked into the phone and quickly dialed my number. It this is my phone, it'll go straight to voicemail. Instead of hearing the woman who anounced the options for voicemail, I heard that guy's annoying voice again.
"Why didn't you answer the damn phone?"
I spat, "For your information, I can NOT answer your phone if I LIKE! I don't have to listen to you!"
I could sense the hostile atmosphere through the phone as he spoke, "Don't speak to me like that. DO you know what I can do? I can crush every little bone in your body and feed it to the sharks. If you don't want to see that, I'd suggest you listen."
I replied, "but..."
He interruped, "No, you will listen to me and you will meet me tomorrow in front of the school building, Seoul High School at 5pm."
He hung up and I heard my own breath echo. What's wrong with me? Why couldn't I speak?
Tomorrow? I think maybe I shouldn't give him the phone. I think I'll make that kid learn how to apologize. I've got a plan!
James' POV
She really has guts. I've never met anyone like her. She actually yelled at me and made me feel like crap. Why is she so different? I thought most girls would've been falling for me already. She should be begging to meet me once more for finding her phone or something. I really don't get her.
I pulled on an expensive shirt and a watch while examining the outfit I chose to wear that day. It was a Saturday and I had to dress nicely in order to get attention from everyone.
I grinned as I imagined her begging me to forgive her. I definitely won't forgive her and she can deal with that for the rest of her LIFE.
Jenny's POV
I was an hour late to where I was supposed to be at. James can suffer maybe a little bit more. Without even thinking twice, I went to go buy ice cream. Mmm.. my favorite, melon flavored popsicle. The popsicle filled my tast buds with heaven. Delicious.
I walked up to my destination and found him shriveled up like a ball. Of course, he was cold, it was windy.
He looked up and I felt the hatred in his eyes.
"Where the hell were you?"
I shrugged, "eating ice cream."
I pointed at my melon icecream, while laughing.
"You think I'm kidding? All those things I said to you weren't just jokes!"
"Whatever, but do ou want your phone back?"
I grinned, "You'll have to say sorry before you can have it!"
I dangled the phone in front of his face. Before he could reach for the phone, I quickly ran away towards a bench in front of the school's sign.
I stuck out my tongue, trying to get him annoyed.
We ran in circles around the bench for hours without an end. My legs were getting tired and I was running out of stamina. After a couple minutes, he finally threw his hands up into the air in defeat."
"Fine, I'll say sorry. Let's go sit over there next to the fountain."
I glanced over at the beautiful fountain. I guess he was really going to apologize. Excitement grew in me as I realized that I had taught him well. He was going to apologize!
We walked over to the fountain and we sat next to each other.
He stared into my eyes with all the love and admiration in them. It was way too good to be a lie. His lips moved as he said, "I'm so sorry. I never intended it to turn out this way. I hope that we can set aside our differences and restart this relationship." He stuck out his right hand.
I blushed and touched his hand, "My name is James, and yours?"
I stuttered, "...J...Jenny."
He chuckled, "That's a cute name, but may I have my phone back?"
I slowly dropped the phone into his hands. I knew that he was going to thank me for teaching him this kindness. My splendid teachings never fail.
Suddenly, I remembered, I need my phone.
"Uh... James. Can I have my phone back?"
An evil grin formed on his face as he took out the phone.
"You mean this?"
He pointed at my phone.
I nodded, "Yeah."
"Oh alright!"
He put the phone out for me to grab.
I tried to reach for it, but before I did so, he threw my phone into the fountain next to us.
A wail escaped my mouth as I witnessed this.
"What have you done!?"
An evil grin formed on his face once again. I was going to remember that stupid face and I swear on my life, I will get revenge!.....
Chapter 2 finished.... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please continue to chapter 3!
chapter 3 Discovery
Jenny's pov
The next morning was a nightmare.
My hair flew up every direction and I hadn't
slept in because I was searching for my phone in that fountain.
Who would've thought a water fountain can be anything but beautiful?
I shoved through the crowd of students in my classroom and found a seat next to
the window.
Without hesitation, I laid my head on the desk and passed out
There was a slight tap on my right shoulder.
I mumbled, "hmm?" That person tapped on my shoulder once more.
This time I opened my eyes and I witnessed
thousands of people staring down at me.
The only person that caught my eyes was
James. He stared at me wide eyed.
"Miss. I don't intend on ruining your nap, but your snoring way too loud in my
class!" the teacher had dark rimmed red glasses with short hair that curled up
to her jawline.
"well anyway. Wherever your sitting is the seat that you will sit this whole
semester. Let's begin with our textbooks. Open the page to 120."
Nothing else stuck to my mind except whole semester."
I looked to my right and saw james that asshole!"
I sighed into my hands with frustration.
I had a severe cold and I couldn't keep my eyes open.
"You over there!" the teacher pointed at me.
she grimaced, "yeah you! Go up to the front and play a song and sing to it!
I want you to make up a song on the spot!"
I walked up to the front and everything seemed hazy like a dream.
The only thing I remembered was the sound of the piano and my voice.
Towards the end, everything went black.
James' pov
Jenny was called up by the teacher for falling asleep for the second time.
I bet she's going to suck badly.
She stepped up to the front and showed a weak smile.
What was wrong? She looked pale and her lips were dried up.
My mind went blank as soon as she began to play and sing.
Her voice was exactly like the voice I had heard that day.
Her voice was angelic and it made my heart
skip a beat. This couldn't be. How can a person like that have such a beautiful
voice? I couldn't stop denying the fact that she was the girl that invaded my dreams
every now and then. She'd sing that song without a care in the world. I closed
my eyes to align that voice with the song in my dreams.
Just when realization struck me, the voice stopped and I heard a thud. My eyes
snapped open and I saw her lying on the floor. She had fainted and I couldn't
stop myself from running up to the front. I carried her in my arms and ran
towards the infirmary without saying a word.
She lay there, breathless and beautiful. I hadn't seen her close up. She was
beautiful... At first I only thought that she was just an average girl, but she
was different. Had I fallen for her voice? The heartbeat in my chest rang
through my ears. I only hoped she wouldn't wake up.
When I decided to move her hair away from her left eye, her eyes fluttered open.
I quickly moved my hands away.
Jenny's pov
I opened my eyes to find that James had brushed my hair away from my eyes. He
quickly turned away and said "don't ever faint again. Your way too heavy!" this
got me steaming up with anger.
I kicked his chair so he fell face forward. "that's what you get!" I rushed out
the door with this memory in mind. Why would he brush hair out of my face? Isn't
that what lovers do? As I thought of this, my face turned bright red. That's
probably the effects of being angry. It's totally not because he had interest in me right?
It was already very late and I couldn't go to sleep.
My head went back to the time he had brushed my hair out of my face! DAMN HIM!
HE CAN GO DIE! I bet he did that to take advantage of me that perverted jerk!
I'll make sure he can't touch my face ever again!
That night I devised a devious plan to take over his mind.
How will i do that? I'm going to make him fall head over heels for me.
That morning I couldn't believe I tried to attempt that plan because
James had that same dumb expression he had when he threw my phone into the fountain.
How was I going to follow this plan when his expression clearly showed that
he hated my guts. He faced the other direction and he didn't look at me at all.
I wore make up and put on major perfume. Nothing seemed to work!
All I got was an uncomfortable aura and a dissatisfied expression.
I gave up and was on the verge of just dozing off when James nudged my shoulder.
"What do you want?"
He looked stunned, which was a surprising reaction because he always looked like
he knew what he was doing.
Without saying a word, he pointed at the teacher who was glaring down at me.
I nodded my head with a huge grin on my face.
"Of course. I was paying attention."
She let out a sigh and pointed towards the door.
"If your not going to pay attention. just get out right now.
I don't want to teach someone that doesn't pay attention.
You don't deserve to be in a school like this if you don't focus on your studies."
This comment made me realize that i was in fact abusing this privilege.
James sat next to me; his face in his hands.
He pitied me, I just knew it.
I stood up and bowed to the teacher.
"I'm really sorry. I won't abuse this privilege anymore. I'll focus on my studies.
Please give me one more chance."
The teacher fixed her glasses and cleared her throat.
"Alright. Sit down. I don't want to see you dozing off anymore."
As the class began again, the teacher assigned us to work on a project with our partner.
We had to compose a song together and perform a duet by next month.
Of course I hated it though because I was working with James.
He sat in his seat with a slight grin on his face while he tapped his pen on the desk.
I finally broke the silence.
"Sooooo.... are we working on our project? What type of song do you want it to be?"
He still didn't reply to me. This time I poked his arm.
I waved my hand in front of his face.
Looked like he snapped out of his daydreaming when I did this, because
he looked straight at me.
"Anything you want."
His voice was soft and unlike before. I think I was falling for him instead of everything
being the other way around.
I was supposed to make him fall for me, not me for him.
He grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the piano.
"I wanna hear your singing and your piano playing."
I blurted out without thinking, "Why are you being nice to me?"
He smirked, "I'm not being nice to you. I'm just being myself when I'm not angry."
I couldn't believe this comment because all I've seen from him was the evil side of him.
Could he be telling the truth?
Chapter 3 finished…. >>>>>>>>>>>> Please continue to chapter 4!